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sestdiena, 2015. gada 17. oktobris

Aim straight

Sound like a dream come true. 

Yes, it is truth. That's the reality I always hoped for, wished for and worked for. That moment when you get that great and awesome feeling when your dreams and hopes are coming to reality. Just as you wanted and even much more, much better. Yes, you are my everything and even more. I am the luckiest man on earth. I never want to hurt You. And I will do my best not to. As much as happiness as much joy I want to bring in your life.

Our lives at the moment may not be perfect, but I am thankful that I have the few most important things in my life - love, happiness, family, joy, food & home ( roof over my head ).

Sometimes we really do forget the few most important things in our lives as days are passing by and we keep living in the never ending wheel. It just keeps spinning around and around and around and there is nobody that strong to stop it. If you do, if you try, it can crush you in small pieces, but that is the reason why people invented glue - to fix things even if they are completely broken. Same is for people. Just be you, yourself and listen to what your inner yourself is trying to tell you. It could make some sense after all. 

Never forget to dream. Dream big. Then work as much as you have never done. And after you already can make even more miracles to happen. Be free. Be one of the few. Don't be afraid. Aim straight. 

trešdiena, 2015. gada 17. jūnijs

Dead but walking alive

It is very difficult to explain. It is something what a completely normal human being just would be able to eat and finish it up in a toilet. Sometimes the life give so much bad influence on you and everything you want to do is to give yourself up to it. You are feeling that you have nothing else left better to try nor do so you are already considering of doing it. Some things are to happen in a persons life so he/she can see what is totally wrong. 
Everything in this world is pure business and fight for influence. It is just too much for me and my mind to bare with because i am one of the who sees through the system. What news channel you are watching mainly shows what person you are. That is a reason why I avoid all the tv and internet. I try to be as much further away as I possibly can. This world is too fake for me. People are fake. Even I, myself, could be fake not even noticing. But I have seen it before. What are we doing with the world and place we are currently living in?! Destroying. Why? Because we are greedy and we care about is to feed our ego. If one person is to create something new in the world it can't be the rich. They are spoiled and rotten from inside. New blood from the 13th region is needed to rule the world, to rule the nation. How much information is "hidden" and can't be seen by a normal human eye?! What are these nation secrets all about?  Shouldn't we all be aware of them and about what's happening in the world?! In the end it's our world not yours, Mr Obama and Mr Putin. Beware and Be Aware. Watch out for yourselves and be ready to fleet. The only person you should be able to trust in is yourself, but not today. There is too much influence your mind doesn't even sees. It happens every day. You have no idea about it. Don't worry, because it's just a start. World is coming to an end and is soon to collapse in front of itself. If you have been following the news, you probably know that D.Trump is to be the next president of the United States and I can't even blink my eyes when it has already happened.
By this all I mean - never be afraid of yourself and what your mind has to tell you. Believe in yourself no matter what. You are in charge of your life and nobody else. Make choices. Stand for your opinion. Stand sharp till the end. Stand strong. Per aspera ad Astra. You have to. Remember that great personalities at first are unknown and never seen before at some point. Be a step further than your enemy or friend is. Make sure to get intelligence before everybody else about the things you care about. So another question, why is all the great information that sacred and hidden?
Does that really means that we are free in our will and choices?! Are we really free persons/ human beings or that is just an illusion?!
I am about to say that we have never born free. There is no freedom in this system we are living in. Today no freedom is available. And too bad for that. I hate to admit it because it's everything I have fought for in my life - freedom.
We are fighting for a status in our lives. The higher the status the higher level of freedom is available. Is this what our ancestors fighter for? Is politics good creation?! Must say that at some point I'm anti-politics.
The world now is not what it used to be. And it never will. Never the same. Tears are running over my cheek while I am writing this. But we still fight. We still try. Love, faith, beliefs. In what do you believe and is it really worth it?!
Dead, but walking alive. Why? In my life I have seen death so many times. It has killed me, but it has never been strong enough to kill me. It has just shown and opened new doors and windows for me so that I could see what is actually happening in this world. For that I have to tell thank you to so many internet users around worldwide. We all have access to those files but not all of us has the courage to watch them nor the time. Thankfully out there are people who has the same ideology as I do and they are already making the point what I am trying to do. It is never ending war between human races and ideologies. It is, we who are not free will try to achieve the freedom. In the way we understand it.
Some of us will be done when they can shop whatever they want. For others that will be just a start. You shouldn't be afraid to dream more and to show your dreams to everybody else. Everything is possible and all the right ways will come to you in a no-time. It's irrelevant. Days, weeks, months or years is not to count. Just keep playing the game we all so much love to call as life. In this century when we have electronics and massive amount of information to get through... I admit, it is very hard to get you mind and even yourself self entered on the things you want to see in your life, but if you won't do it then nobody else will. Join the movement. Join the ideology and feel the freedom what is just around the corner. Stop being official. It gives no joy to you or your soul. Instead enjoy the moment you are living in and thank to your friends and everybody else who is around you to make your days count. I strongly advise you to stop looking for material wealth because that is not where the love and joy is hidden. The best in this world is to be found without a price on it. We humans struggle in this question too much. It is all about the things and what the Mother Nature can offer us. We are not the ones who can nor should influence it in any possible way. Of course we are to create to make our lives better, but not at a point where we destroy ourselves, where we create slaves or underpaid people. This world had to be about equality therefore no slavery is allowed. We are too far away from that. I don't see it coming in the next decades because we too much are thinking about the material world but not about our spiritual well being and that is what truly makes cry and collapse.
Don't read news. Get out of that circle. The more people will understand it the better the world will be. If we shall return to what the world was years ago but at the same time will continue to trade real goods not fake ones the sooner the world will get back on its feet. If we would use just what we really need nobody would have to work as garbage collector or anything. We are a mechanism that is destroying itself. When will the masses see the error in here and start to think?
We are dead but walking alive.

ceturtdiena, 2015. gada 28. maijs

How I inspired myself

And then there comes that day when you feel awfully down and there’s nothing that could help you. Your mind has no control of what happens inside of the head. Your soul is crying from inside. It screams and looks for help. But there is nobody who can reach out to you because all of the feelings have been long time ago blocked and no outer world can see them. You have reached an extraordinary high level of being an introvert human being. Thankfully, your body is healthy enough and you are enjoying all the good things the world has to offer, for example, sunny day and rainy nights when all you want to do is to sit and relax. Re-think your life and try to fix the things that have gone wrong some time ago. There is nothing that could calm your mind down. It’s not necessary. Let the mind do what it has to. There is always one great tip how to get yourself back on feet – inspire yourself. Look for inspiration through everyday things and try to do your greatest efforts on whatever you are best of. Try something new. Let your ideas be your guide and calm your soul by doing that. Whenever I have something serious on my mind I either go to a workout or just walk around city where I live in at the moment. Put yourself on a pause and make plans for the future. Write them down. You have to be passionate about what you do. Also work on the ideas that you have, not just think about them.
Whenever I share my ideas with someone I expect them to be as much passionate as I am. It almost never happens that way. People give you so much negativity that you might even think that the idea is not worth working on and you shall quit it not even started. But do try and look what happens. Of course, you won’t see the results straight ahead, but if you quit you haven’t been passionate enough to make the idea count.
My life has taught me that everything happens for a reason and for the best. You just always have to be aiming straight and concentrate on what you want to achieve. Don’t be afraid that people shall not understand you and look weird at what you have in your mind. They will always give sarcasm and try to speak you of what you have in mind. Take risks, they are worth it. One of my life’s motivational thoughts is: “I never loose. Either I win or learn.”
All of my life, as long as I remember myself, I wanted to live the rich and wealthy lifestyle. Everything I cared about was money and nothing else was on my mind. My lifestyle included few hours of sleep every day for a year and a half. At the end I just saw that I haven’t gone further than I was before. The effort I gave was not good enough and things just didn’t happen the way I wanted. Everything collapsed, but I never lost the belief in myself and kept going. As I look back to that period of my life it just seems that I was smashing my head into the wall and was waiting for a miracle to happen. It just doesn’t work that way. I will tell you why. I was too much into earning money I forgot to live my life; I forgot what family means to me and got so far of them. I travelled to other countries and tried to find myself there. That never did happen. Already then I knew that you have to be passionate about what you do. For more than a year my lock screen quote was “The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” (by Steve Jobs). I was looking each and every day at this quote and was letting it to go deep in my brains. Now I have to admit that I’m there. I never gave myself up. I have reached the point where I do what I love most. Money is just secondary value. “The best things in life are free. The second best are very expensive” (Coco Chanel)
This is what a commitment looks like. Each and every one of us has our separate road to go on. It’s all about our value tree and things we love. We should never be scared. Everybody should work with themselves as much as it is possible. Don’t be afraid of what come into your life. Just open up to the world and see how your life changes. If you wish something very much and the passion is all yours about it, eventually you shall manage to achieve it. Don’t be afraid. If something is not working, if something has not the best ending as you wished, don’t give up, keep working. Make sure that you inspire yourself as much as possible. Give it some time and plan ahead. Always look straight up to the goal and do the work. Things will happen and you will be happier. 

Roland Sel /// amantpenseur

ceturtdiena, 2015. gada 7. maijs

Lai notiek tā

Bet es cīnos

Un nesaki ka nē

Es gribu skriet kā agrāk

Gribu mācīties dejot

Gribu pa pasauli klejot

Bet nē

Nebūs Tev Vairs nekas no tà

Atliks tev vien vārdus sacīt viegli smejot

Dzīve - tā ir lieliska lieta bijusi.

Iemācīja mīlēt, smiet, raudāt un kliegt.

Atlicis vairs tikai klusi smiet.

ceturtdiena, 2015. gada 30. aprīlis

Īsa atzīšanās mīlestībā

 Īsa atzīšanās mīlestībā:

Lai vai kā mums ir gājis, lai vai kas ar mums, starp mums, par mums, bez mums, un ir bijis.... Svarīgi ir tikai tas, kā mēs jūtamies šobrīd. Vai tik viss nav tā ? Pēc tām sajūtām un jūtām, kuras jūtam mēs tagad? Tā ir vēstule. Tā ir atzīšanās. Atzīšanās mīlēstībā. Atzīšanās Tev. Tas ir lūgums. Lūgums tikt saprastam. Pieņemtam. Aplī ieliktam. Punktā noliktam. Tas ir par mums, par mani un par Tevi. Stāsts par to, kā mēs satikāmies un kā mums viss ir gājis. Nav jau svarīgi vairs tas, kas pirms gadiem bijis. Svarīgs ir tas, kas ir tagad. Plāni, vēlmes un cerības. Mīlestība. Draudzība. Iespēja saprast vienam otru. Esmu sapratis es tikai to, ka bez Tevis es nevaru. Bez Tevis es esmu nekas. Nevaru vairs būt es. Nu ir laiks nācis. Gribu es būt mēs. Es un Tu esam mēs. Veidojam, pilnveidojam, jūtam līdzi. Es zinu, esmu bijis muļķis. Dzīvē pieļautas milzum daudz un dikti tās kļūdas. Tās ir saprastas. Dod, lūdzu, dod man to iespēju labot tās. Mēs to varam. Zinu tikai to, ka es to gribu. Jautājums paliek tikai tāds - vai arī tas ir tas, ko Tu vēlies?
Atkal, jā, atkal izlikt savas jūtas spēju es tikai rakstos.
Nekad nav bijis viegli. Smagi aizbraukt, grūti palikt. Neiespējami satikt.
Neticu, ka tas viss paliks tā. Noteikti, ka ir tā, ka nemaz nevēlos es tam noticēt. Kā Tev šķiet?
Esmu saskaities gana bieži. Esmu mīlējis akli. Esmu saskaities traki. Uz sevi skaities. Ak, vai, cik traki.
Kafijas krūze nu ir beigta. Līdz ar mīlestībā atzīšanos.
Tu esi, Tu būsi un Tu vienmēr, vienmēr, paliksi Tur. Sirdī un dziļi, jo dziļi dvēselē. Tevis man trūkst, Tu man esi nepieciešama. Bez Tevis es nevaru. /cik gan ļoti savtīgi. pavisam iespējams, ka viss šis ir pavisam nevietā... es par vēlu nāku. taču, esmu tāds, kāds esmu. blīkšķis. (kaimiņu suns ierejās un trauksme nu ir sacelta.)/ Vai var vēl salkanāk? Protams, ka var. Vienmēr var. Visu var. Tu....
Jo, tikai tad, kad Tu saproti, ko esi zaudējis - izproti tā īsto vērtību un nozīmi. Šķiet, ka ar mani jau tā nekad nenotiks... Es tak zinu to teoriju. Tieši tā. Teoriju, tikai teoriju! Ar to vien ir par maz.
Šī, iespējams, ir mana pēdējā vēstule Tev. Mana pēdējā ziņa Tev. Tu man tikai pasaki. Saprašana ir tik tālu, ka tikai draugi nebūsim. No manas puses nebūsim. Tad nu labāk es bēgu un skrienu tālu, tālu prom. Meklēju sevi kaut kur citur... Veldzēju slāpes tās dzelmē tajā.
Tā vien šķiet, ka tas jau sen ir noticis...
Milzīgs prieks Tevi zināt, ar Tevi runāt un laiku bija pavadīt kopā lieliski. Visam labajam reiz pienāk gals, lai mūsu dzīvēs varētu nākt kaut kas jauns un pavisam skaidrs. Gluži kā grāmatā kādā lapu pāršķirt un nodaļu jaunu atvērt.
Lai dzīvē lieliski iet! Uz veselību!

Rolands Seļakovs // amantpeneur